Port Eliot Red Book — Designs for Lord Eliot by Humphry Repton (1792-3)
The History of the Eliots of Port Eliot in Cornwall, England
The bold and masterly style in which the rock scenery of Port Eliot has been handled would make it presumptuous in me to suggest any hints on the subject. In viewing the sublime horrors of the Craggs, I confess my powers are subdued, and – like the conquered magician – I break my wand in presence of superior skill. Yet I will take the liberty to add to this volume an answer to a very curious question which occurred on viewing the scenery of the Craggs, viz., "At what distance does any object appear in its greatest height?" This question I have suggested to several of my learned friends, and – from one whose name would do honor to any work – I received the following answer, describing very fully so much as may be deduced from mathematical principles, which he acknowledges are not sufficient to solve all the difficulties of the question.
For ease of reading, punctuation and capitalization have been modernized.
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